
Some frquently asked question

Take Action. Donate Today. People Need All The Support You Can Provide.

Donating to us is simple, and takes less than 3 minutes! If you wish to make a donation, you can visit our donation page.

If you donate something specific, such as money for a donation or food for one of our feeding programmes, your donation will go directly to where you intend it. General donations are spread across our remaining projects, and enable us to continue empowering children.

Absolutely! Our donation system allows us to receive contributions from any country, in any currency.

The minimum donation on the site is £20. There is no maximum donation.

Our donations are holistic, meaning that they support every aspect of the child’s wellbeing. This includes, but is not limited to: their schooling, their physical, emotional and spiritual health and that of their families, and any emergency situations that may arise in their circumstances.

Absolutely. The security and confidentiality of your information is our highest priority. We use industry-standard SSL (secure socket layer) technology to protect your information and provide a safe and secure environment for online donations. We will not sell, trade or share your personal information with anyone else, nor send donor mailings on behalf of other organizations, and we will only share personal information if you have given us specific permission to do so.